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WpumaC 15.12.2013 21:50

Die Lüge über islamischen Terror
Alles Schall und Rauch!

Wenn man die Aussagen der Medien und der Islamophoben sich anhört, dann muss es in Europa nur so vor Anschlägen der Islamisten wimmeln. Die sicherheitsgeilen Politiker warnen uns dauernd davor, die Islamhetzer begründen ihre ganze fremdenfeindliche Ideologie damit und die Medien verkünden sofort wenn ein Anschlag passiert, das müssen radikale Muslime als Täter gewesen sein, obwohl noch gar nichts über die Urheberschaft bekannt ist. Haben wir ja jetzt deutlich mit Oslo gesehen, worüber ich hier geschrieben habe.

Die angeblichen Terrorexperten haben sich bei den ersten Interviews im TV wegen Oslo sofort festgelegt. Es war Al-Kaida ganz klar, oder Muammar al-Gaddafi, der Bösewicht schlechthin, gegen den die NATO-Länder einen Bombenkrieg führen. Der bisherige "übliche Verdächtige" Osama Bin Laden ist ihnen abhanden gekommen, den können sie nicht mehr als grossen Drahtzieher nennen. Jetzt stehen sie da wie begossene Pudel. Kein islamischer Terroranschlag. So ein Mist auch. Sie sind unglaubwürdig und haben sich lächerlich gemacht. Siehe Video unten.

WpumaC 16.12.2013 22:55

Tank you very very much Mr. Freeman!
If you listen to the statements of the media and Islamophobes , then it must be teeming against attacks by Islamists in Europe. The safety horny politicians warn us constantly against the Islam Hetzer justify all their xenophobic ideology and thus the media announce immediately when an attack happens, the offender must have been as radical Muslims , although nothing is known about the authorship. Have we now so clearly seen with Oslo, what I have written here .

The alleged terrorist experts have now established at the first interview on TV because of Oslo. It was Al- Qaeda clearly , or Muammar al - Gaddafi , the villain par excellence , against the NATO countries have conducted a bombing campaign . The previous " usual suspects " Osama Bin Laden has been lost to them , they can no longer call as a great mastermind . Now they stand there like drowned rat . No Islamic terrorist attack . What a bummer too. They are untrustworthy and have made ​​fools of themselves . See the video below .

Terror Report 2010 of Europol :

But what are the facts? According to Europol, 249 terrorist attacks were executed or thwarted in the EU in 2010. Now comes . Only three of them just go to the account by Islamists such as the Europol report shows . With 246 terrorist attacks of last year in the EU , the Islamists have had absolutely nothing to do . Separatists were responsible for 160 attacks , leftists and anarchists groups for 45 attacks , is in the Europol report "TE - SAT 2011" .

The three attacks you , no one was attributed to the Islamists killed or injured. However , the one assassin in the toilet of his hotel room in Copenhagen on 11 September itself suffered injuries when his tinkering fizzled . And in Stockholm on 12 December brought the terrorist to himself . That was all.

And what do you say the numbers for the year 2009 ? A total of 294 terrorist attacks took place. How many of these were perpetrated by Islamists ? A single . Yes , only 1 of 294 attacks in Italy. In this case, this was not a stop in the true sense, but a so-called honor killing . Of the 294 terrorist attacks in Europe in 2009 led by 237 so-called separatists , left 40 groups and 4 the right.

That is, 99 percent of all terrorist attacks are carried out by other groups or have been discovered in time , mainly by separatists . Whence then comes the assertion and the general assumption radical Islamists threaten us ? And as soon as an attack happens somewhere , the Muslims will immediately and automatically blamed . To other groups of offenders to think not. Does this have to do with a massive scare tactics , brainwashing and propaganda? For sure.


WpumaC 16.12.2013 23:00


Zitat von WpumaC (Beitrag 2076296)
If you listen to the statements of the media and Islamophobes , then it must be teeming against attacks by Islamists in Europe. The safety horny politicians warn us constantly against the Islam Hetzer justify all their xenophobic ideology and thus the media announce immediately when an attack happens, the offender must have been as radical Muslims , although nothing is known about the authorship. Have we now so clearly seen with Oslo, what I have written here .

The alleged terrorist experts have now established at the first interview on TV because of Oslo. It was Al- Qaeda clearly , or Muammar al - Gaddafi , the villain par excellence , against the NATO countries have conducted a bombing campaign . The previous " usual suspects " Osama Bin Laden has been lost to them , they can no longer call as a great mastermind . Now they stand there like drowned rat . No Islamic terrorist attack . What a bummer too. They are untrustworthy and have made ​​fools of themselves . See the video below .

Terror Report 2010 of Europol :

But what are the facts? According to Europol, 249 terrorist attacks were executed or thwarted in the EU in 2010. Now comes . Only three of them just go to the account by Islamists such as the Europol report shows . With 246 terrorist attacks of last year in the EU , the Islamists have had absolutely nothing to do . Separatists were responsible for 160 attacks , leftists and anarchists groups for 45 attacks , is in the Europol report "TE - SAT 2011" .

The three attacks you , no one was attributed to the Islamists killed or injured. However , the one assassin in the toilet of his hotel room in Copenhagen on 11 September itself suffered injuries when his tinkering fizzled . And in Stockholm on 12 December brought the terrorist to himself . That was all.

And what do you say the numbers for the year 2009 ? A total of 294 terrorist attacks took place. How many of these were perpetrated by Islamists ? A single . Yes , only 1 of 294 attacks in Italy. In this case, this was not a stop in the true sense, but a so-called honor killing . Of the 294 terrorist attacks in Europe in 2009 led by 237 so-called separatists , left 40 groups and 4 the right.

That is, 99 percent of all terrorist attacks are carried out by other groups or have been discovered in time , mainly by separatists . Whence then comes the assertion and the general assumption radical Islamists threaten us ? And as soon as an attack happens somewhere , the Muslims will immediately and automatically blamed . To other groups of offenders to think not. Does this have to do with a massive scare tactics , brainwashing and propaganda? For sure.


The question that arises from it , who is behind it and who benefits from it ? Who wants to represent Islam as abhorrent and despicable ? It can only be those who can use it to justify a war against them , both at home and abroad. There would be times , the political leadership and the military all NATO countries , because they lead many wars against Muslim countries , such as Afghanistan , Iraq, Yemen , Sudan, Somalia and Libya. You must hintrimmen the population of their countries so that the wars are just wars , so the Crusades as Bush said about Iraq, with the lie that if we do not fight there then they are here.

Then there are the anti-democratic politicians and security experts who are eager to build a police state with total surveillance and restriction of freedom rights, which they have already been successfully implemented . Leaving aside again . Hardly a day after Oslo passed, will be discussed immediately in Germany about the need for retention. The fascists come out of the woodwork and demand das. It is the question , " we need for Oslo tougher security laws? " Clearly we need a camera in every apartment, or even better, a mind-reading device , because you könnst be a terrorist .

Then there are politicians , racists and religious fundamentalists who incite the population against Muslim because they the cause of all social problems seen in them , the downfall of the West, the loss of faith , the alienation , the decomposition of morality, the mixing of the breeds , unemployment , their own failures in life and what they still have to serve everything as scapegoats . Pied Piper use this lie to gain sheep , or to sell books. It was one of them , one of their spirit children , who perpetrated the attacks in Oslo.

So this antimuslemische baiting must consciously staged, come from the very top and be wanted . As a whole professional team must be behind this propaganda is the only way this unilateral manipulation of opinion can be explained if 99 percent of the attacks perpetrated by very different about which one hears nothing or very little. An incredible prevarication and falsification of reality. The media needs to be heavily influenced and controlled in order to achieve that.

WpumaC 16.12.2013 23:09

I would even say , the media whores get paid to so bad to talk about Islam. Because otherwise you can not explain the one-sided reporting . Or they are completely blind and deaf to incompetent and should give up her job because of incompetence . Any honest journalist must recognize immediately but on the basis of the facts , because what is wrong with this one-sided picture. After a short search would find the Europol report, which proves really happened.

This powerful , war horny , racist, fascist group which operates Islam incitement and controls the media , but there are everywhere, like the Ziocons how the media mogul Rupert Murdoch. In England , France, Holland , Australia, Canada, the United States and ... Israel ! You have declared war on Islam . Why ? There are many reasons . There are the resources that you want to steal , it's the culture and lifestyle that is capitalism in the way it is Zionism that can only exist by a victim role .

One main reason , however, because of their decades-long enemy has been lost with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Which there was no more. " What , we have no enemy can we fight ? One of our military machine justifies . That does not work . " Therefore, a new was needed , the Islamic terrorist ... and if they had to invent it myself and have .

So Al- Qaeda and Osma Bin Laden was invented , a creation of Western intelligence agencies . Useful idiots hired the trained , financed and armed were to wherever it fits to be used in the geo-political strategy. Was so in Afghanistan , the Balkans , Chechnya , Iraq, Yemen and for the wars in America and Europe for the attacks. Lo and behold, in Libya , the African " offshoot " of the Al- Qaeda is supported to fight against Gaddafi.

The best enemy is one who is everywhere and nowhere. Also one of the always right there is where you just want to fight a war . One one can defeat never final. This guarantees the endless war and we know war is the best deal guaranteed huge profits. In addition, direct wars on other problems and can be any criticism of themselves pose as unpatriotic and as collaboration with the enemy . Too bad they 're not, these warmongers , because it works.

WpumaC 16.12.2013 23:12

Yes it works, because the population of Western countries can untie this bear without much resistance , at least since the 11th September 2001. The biggest lie of the century was fabricated with a selbstinszenierten stop . Osama bin Laden and his 19 helpers have successfully attacked America, it was the Muslims , as it is in the history books. Therefore , the war on terror, which is actually one against Terra , against all of us.

It is claimed that the Islamists have not only the best and most expensive air defense of the world fooled for hours , they have taken even the military headquarters of the U.S. superpower , the pentagram , without resistance exactly . In addition, they have to turn off all the physical laws that day, in which they THREE skyscrapers in fall velocity brought down with TWO airplanes and completely pulverized. Of the 200,000 tons of steel and concrete, almost nothing was left , everything crumbled to dust. The purest magic.

Yes, believe most people because you have so told them on TV. And the telly never lies . Your own eyes and common sense they do not trust , no, if the TV says something then it must be true . In addition , a western democratic government would never lie , never killed almost 3,000 of his own countrymen . It must have been the radical Islamic terrorists. Everything else would not destroy our ideal world , which we still believe so strongly . We are the good guys and they are the bad guys .

It shows the history of the Vietnam War was also justified by a lie , and thus sent 57,000 soldiers in their own death. The " Gulf of Tonkin " incident never took place , which was given as a reason for war . And the war against Iraq was also with the lie about WMD sold us who were never found , and Saddam Hussein had not. All wars are based on deception and lies, so that the population agrees to an attack.

WpumaC 16.12.2013 23:14

As already said AH ? The lie has to be just large enough, then everybody thinks .

And so do the people believe now , when a bomb attack happens somewhere, it must be Islamic terrorists. That's been branded them into the brain . Stupid thing is if it turns out otherwise . If the propaganda works so well , incurring own monster. If you find the blond , blue-eyed Christians stir up so fervently believe in a sinister threat that they actually view Islam as the greatest enemy of humanity and themselves become terrorists and totally innocent young people from their own ranks to death brutally .

Now, suddenly you realize oh , that's one of us, which is so evil and people were murdered in cold blood. Of course, only a single perpetrator, a madman, a lunatic . Since no system behind it. Nobody wants to admit it is the result of 10 years of massive propaganda , incitement and propaganda. It is concerned, shedding crocodile tears and asks how could this happen?

This proves true the story of the Sorcerer's Apprentice by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe : " The spirits that I called , I shall not now go."

What the media conceal as far as possible , in Anders Behring Breivik is a Christian Zionists , and that the extreme right in Europe have teamed up with the apartheid regime in Israel and jointly pursue the Muslims . See for example the Hetzer Islam Geert Wilders , for they lay out the red carpet in Israel and consider as a friend . Here fascists and racists have taken ideologically on both sides , according to the motto: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

WpumaC 16.12.2013 23:15

Europol - Bericht

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